Difference Between Article Submission and Guest Posting

Understanding the difference between article submission and guest posting is crucial for any content marketing strategy. Both are popular techniques used in digital marketing to enhance online visibility and authority, but they serve different purposes and have unique benefits. This article will break down the differences between article submission and guest posting, helping you to leverage each effectively.

What is Article Submission?

Article submission involves submitting articles to various article directories or websites. These directories act as repositories for articles on a wide range of topics, allowing authors to publish their content for a broader audience.

Key Features of Article Submission:

  1. Wide Reach: Articles submitted to directories can reach a vast audience, increasing visibility.
  2. Backlink Generation: Submitting articles to reputable directories can generate backlinks to your website, improving SEO.
  3. Brand Awareness: Regularly submitting articles helps establish your brand as an authority in your niche.
  4. Less Control Over Publishing: Once submitted, you have little control over how and where your article is published.

What is Guest Posting?

Guest posting, on the other hand, involves writing articles and submitting them to other blogs or websites within your industry. It is a more targeted approach and often involves building relationships with blog owners or editors.

Key Features of Guest Posting:

  1. Targeted Audience: Guest posts are published on niche-specific blogs, reaching a more relevant audience.
  2. Authority Building: Writing for reputable blogs in your industry helps establish you as an authority.
  3. Quality Backlinks: Guest posts typically include backlinks to your website, boosting SEO.
  4. Relationship Building: Guest posting fosters relationships with other bloggers and influencers in your industry.

Article Submission vs Guest Posting: A Detailed Comparison

FeatureArticle SubmissionGuest Posting
Audience ReachBroad, less targetedNiche-specific, highly targeted
SEO ImpactGenerates backlinks, but quality variesHigh-quality backlinks, better for SEO
Control Over ContentLimited once submittedMore control, can negotiate terms
Brand AuthorityGood for general exposureExcellent for establishing authority in niche
Effort and TimeLess effort, mass submission possibleMore effort, requires relationship building

Pros and Cons of Article Submission


  • High Volume: Ability to submit multiple articles across various directories.
  • Visibility: Increases exposure due to the wide reach of directories.
  • Backlinks: Generates numerous backlinks to your website.


  • Quality Control: Less control over where and how the article is published.
  • SEO Impact: Varies greatly; not all directories are reputable.
  • Brand Dilution: Risk of brand dilution if articles are published on low-quality sites.

Pros and Cons of Guest Posting


  • High-Quality Backlinks: More valuable backlinks from reputable sites.
  • Authority Building: Positions you as an expert in your field.
  • Targeted Traffic: Drives relevant traffic to your website.


  • Time-Consuming: Requires significant time to research, write, and pitch.
  • Competitive: High-quality blogs have stringent submission guidelines.
  • Relationship Dependent: Success often relies on building and maintaining relationships with blog owners.

How to Excel in Both Strategies

Best Practices for Article Submission:

  1. Choose Reputable Directories: Focus on high-quality directories like EzineArticles or ArticleCity.
  2. Optimize for SEO: Use relevant keywords, meta tags, and ensure your articles are well-structured.
  3. Include Author Bio: Always include a brief bio and a link back to your website.
  4. Consistent Quality: Maintain high quality across all submissions to build credibility.

Best Practices for Guest Posting:

  1. Research Blogs: Identify blogs that align with your niche and have a good reputation.
  2. Personalized Pitches: Tailor your pitch to each blog, demonstrating your understanding of their audience.
  3. High-Quality Content: Write valuable, informative, and engaging content that resonates with the blog’s audience.
  4. Follow Guidelines: Adhere to each blog’s submission guidelines meticulously.


Both article submission and guest posting are valuable strategies in the digital marketing toolkit. Article submission is great for broad exposure and generating numerous backlinks, while guest posting is superior for building authority, gaining high-quality backlinks, and driving targeted traffic.

By understanding the differences and implementing best practices for each, you can enhance your online presence and SEO performance significantly. Focus on quality, relevance, and relationship-building to maximize the benefits of both strategies.