Internal vs External Links: What’s the Difference?

As you navigate through websites, you may come across different types of links, namely internal and external links. These two types of links differ in the way they connect web pages and the role they play in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In this article, we’ll explore the differences between internal and external links, their importance in SEO, and how to use them effectively.

Internal links are hyperlinks that connect one page of a website to another page on the same website. These links can be found in navigation menus, content, and footer sections. They are used to help users navigate a website and discover more content. Internal links can also help search engines understand the structure of a website and the relationships between different pages.

Internal links are important for several reasons. Firstly, they help users navigate a website and find more relevant content. This can increase user engagement and reduce bounce rates. Secondly, internal links help search engines understand the hierarchy and relationships between different pages on a website. This can help improve the indexing and ranking of a website in search results.

There are several types of internal links that you can use on your website:

Navigation links are links that are commonly found in the header or footer of a website. These links help users navigate a website and find the content they are looking for. Navigation links should be clear, concise, and easy to use.

Contextual links are links that are embedded within the content of a webpage. These links can be used to provide additional information or resources related to the content of the page. Contextual links should be relevant and add value to the content.

Footer links are links that are found in the footer section of a website. These links are usually used to provide additional information about the website or to link to important pages such as the privacy policy, terms of use, and contact page.

External links connect one page of a website to a different one. External links can be used to provide additional information or resources related to the content of a webpage. External links can also be used to link to authoritative sources, which can help improve the credibility and authority of a website.

External links are important for several reasons. Firstly, they can help improve the credibility and authority of a website by linking to authoritative sources. Secondly, external links can help improve the relevance and context of a webpage by linking to related content. Finally, external links can help improve the indexing and ranking of a website in search results.

There are two types of external links that you can use on your website:

Natural links are links that are acquired organically through the creation and promotion of high-quality content. These links are earned through the merit of the content and can help improve the credibility and authority of a website.

Manual links are links that are acquired through deliberate link-building efforts such as outreach, guest blogging, and directory submissions. While manual links can be effective in improving the visibility of a website, they should be acquired in a natural and ethical manner to avoid penalties from search engines.

When using internal links, it’s important to follow best practices to maximize their effectiveness. Here are some tips:

  • Use descriptive anchor text that accurately describes the content of the linked page.
  • Use relevant and contextual links that add value to the content.
  • Don’t overuse internal links, as this can be seen as spammy by search engines.
  • Use a logical and hierarchical structure for internal links, with the most important pages linked from the homepage.

When using external links, it’s important to follow best practices to avoid penalties and improve the credibility of your website. Here are some tips:

  • Link to authoritative and relevant sources that add value to the content.
  • Use descriptive anchor text that accurately describes the content of the linked page.
  • Avoid linking to low-quality or spammy websites that could harm the credibility of your website.
  • Use a natural and ethical approach to link-building, avoiding any manipulative tactics.
Internal LinksExternal Links
Links within a websiteLinks from one website to another
Direct users to other pages on the same websiteDirect users to another website
Help users navigate a websiteProvide additional information and value to users
Improve website usabilityImprove website credibility and authority
Pass SEO value to other pages on the same websitePass SEO value to the linked website
Can be controlled and managed by website ownersCannot be controlled by website owners
Can be used strategically for SEO purposesCan attract natural links and improve SEO
Should use descriptive anchor text and relevant linking structureShould link to authoritative and relevant sources in a natural and ethical manner


Internal and external links are important components of SEO and website usability. Internal links help users navigate a website and improve the indexing and ranking of a website in search results. External links can improve the credibility and authority of a website and provide additional value to users. By following best practices for using internal and external links, you can improve the visibility and credibility of your website.


  1. What is the difference between nofollow and do-follow links?

    Nofollow links do not pass any SEO value to the linked page, while do-follow links do pass SEO value.

  2. How many internal links should a page have?

    There is no set number, but it’s important to use internal links in a relevant and contextual manner.

  3. What are the benefits of linking to other websites?

    Linking to other websites can provide additional value and context to users, improve the credibility and authority of your website, and potentially attract natural links in return.