The Rise of Voice Search and Its Impact on SEO


With the emergence of smart speakers, virtual assistants, and mobile devices with speech-enabled search capabilities in recent years, the use of voice search has increased tremendously. In fact, 55% of American households are predicted to have a smart speaker by 2022, according to ComScore.

Businesses should be aware of the potential effects voice search may have on their search engine optimization (SEO) strategy as it grows in popularity. This article will examine the development of voice search, it’s functioning, and how it affects SEO. In order to guarantee that businesses are maximizing their visibility in this new era of search, we will also cover tactics for voice search optimization.

How Voice Search Works

Natural language processing (NLP) technology is utilized in voice search to transform spoken words into text-based queries that may be used to search the internet. A voice-enabled device’s microphone records the user’s voice when they utter a request, which is subsequently sent to a server for processing.

The server uses artificial intelligence (AI) to determine the most pertinent search results and comprehend the meaning of the uttered words. The device then reads the response aloud to the user after receiving a response from the AI system, which is subsequently relayed back to the device.

Voice search is powered by an AI algorithm that is continually improving and using a range of data sources, including user behavior, search history, and location information, to increase its accuracy. This enables voice search to offer users more individualized and pertinent results.

Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant, and Microsoft’s Cortana are some of the most well-known voice assistants and gadgets that use voice search. These gadgets can be used for a number of things, such as conducting web searches, sending reminders, placing calls, and managing smart home appliances.

Voice search has significantly expanded in recent years as more and more users resort to voice assistants and other gadgets for their search requirements. Here are some figures showing the growth of voice search:

  • 71% of consumers say they prefer using voice assistants to search for information than typing it in on a screen, per a PwC study.
  • According to ComScore, 55% of American households will have a smart speaker by 2022.
  • According to Google, 27% of web users worldwide use voice search on mobile devices.
  • According to Juniper Research, there will be 8 billion voice assistant devices on the market by 2023, up from 2.5 billion in 2018.

The convenience of hands-free searching, the improvement in voice recognition technology’s accuracy, and the spread of voice-enabled devices are some of the reasons behind the rise of voice search. Businesses must modify their SEO strategy to capitalize on this trend as more individuals adopt this technology.

AspectVoice SearchText Search
User BehaviorMore conversational, uses natural languageMore concise, uses keywords
Search QueriesLonger and more specificShorter and less specific
AccuracyIncreasingly accurate due to AI and NLPSubject to misspellings and errors
Search ResultsProvides one top result and featured snippetsProvides multiple results on a page
User EngagementMore likely to engage with results due to spoken responseMay require more clicks to engage with results
Device UsageMostly used on mobile devices and smart speakersUsed on a wide range of devices including desktops, laptops, and mobile devices

The Impact of Voice Search on SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) has been significantly impacted by the rise of voice search because businesses now need to modify their tactics to be visible in this new search landscape. Here are a few effects voice search has had on SEO:

  • Long-tail keywords: When using voice search, consumers frequently make lengthier, more detailed inquiries in conversational, natural language. In order to match these kinds of requests, organizations must concentrate on incorporating long-tail keywords in their content and optimization tactics.
  • Featured snippets: Featured snippets, which are succinct responses to a user’s inquiry, are frequently returned by voice search. Businesses must produce material that is optimized for these kinds of snippets, like using structured data markup and offering clear answers to frequently asked questions, to boost their chances of appearing in featured snippets.
  • Local search: Voice search is frequently used for local search terms like “restaurants near me” or “plumbers in my area.” Businesses must make sure that their online listings are accurate, current, and consistent across all platforms if they want to be found locally.
  • Mobile optimization: Due to the fact that mobile devices are the primary platform for voice search, businesses must make sure their websites are responsive, quick to load, and mobile-friendly.
  • Conversational content: Businesses must produce content that is more conversational in tone and style and that clearly and succinctly addresses frequent inquiries and concerns in order to match the conversational nature of voice search queries.

Traditional SEO techniques do not apply when optimizing for voice search. Following are some tips for making your website and content voice search-friendly:

  • Use conversational language: Use natural language in your content because voice search queries are frequently longer and more conversational than text queries. Consider writing in a more conversational style and try to think of frequent queries that readers might have.
  • Focus on long-tail keywords: Compared to short-tail keywords, long-tail keywords are more focused and likely to match the natural language queries used in voice search. Find long-tail keywords that are pertinent to your business using tools like Google’s Keyword Planner and include them in your content.
  • Optimize for featured snippets: Featured snippets, which are brief, succinct responses to particular questions, are frequently utilized in voice search results. Provide succinct, unambiguous responses to frequently asked questions about your company or sector, and utilize structured data markup to make your sites easier for search engines to interpret in order to optimize for featured snippets.
  • Ensure your website is mobile-friendly: Your website must be mobile-friendly because voice search is predominantly utilized on mobile devices. Use responsive design, make sure your pages load quickly and check that a mobile device can easily browse your website.
  • Use location-based keywords: It’s crucial to utilize location-based keywords in your content, such as “near me” or the name of your city or town, as voice search is frequently used for local search queries. Make sure the geographical information on your internet listings, such as Google My Business, is correct and up to date.
  • Provide structured data: Detailed information Markup is crucial for voice search because it helps search engines understand the content of your sites. Use schema markup to provide details about your company, like your address, contact information, and operating hours.


As a result of voice search’s quick rise in popularity, businesses must modify their SEO tactics to make sure they are still found in this brand-new era of search. Business websites can be voice search optimized by using conversational language, long-tail keywords, and structured data markup.

Additionally, businesses can rank higher in voice search results by optimizing for highlighted snippets and local search. Businesses can stay ahead of the curve and make sure they are still visible to users who are increasingly using voice search to discover information online by putting these techniques into practice.

FAQ for Voice Search and Its Impact on SEO

  1. Q: What is voice search?

    A: Instead of inputting their search terms into a search engine, users can now utilize voice search technology to search the internet.

  2. Q: How does voice search work?

    A: Natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine learning are all used to power voice search. In order to offer the most pertinent results, the search engine converts spoken words into text when a user talks into their device.

  3. Q: Why is voice search important for SEO?

    A: Because voice search indicates a developing trend in how people are looking for information online, it is significant for SEO. Businesses must increasingly focus on optimizing their content for voice searches as more and more consumers conduct searches using voice assistants and smart speakers.

  4. Q: How can businesses optimize their content for voice search?

    A: By developing conversational, long-tail keyword phrases that are more likely to be used in voice searches, businesses can improve their content for voice searches. Additionally, they can concentrate on giving direct responses to questions that voice search users are probably going to ask.

  5. Q: How does voice search impact keyword research?

    A: Voice search has an impact on keyword research by giving longer, more conversational phrases that are more like a genuine speech a higher priority. To optimize for voice search, businesses should concentrate on locating and utilizing these kinds of keywords in their content.

  6. Q: What role do featured snippets play in voice search?

    A: Featured snippets are important in voice search because they offer succinct responses to the kinds of inquiries that people frequently use voice search to find. Businesses may boost their chances of appearing in voice search results by optimizing material for highlighted snippets.

  7. Q: How can businesses measure the impact of voice search on their SEO?

    A: Businesses can monitor data like organic search traffic, keyword ranks, and click-through rates to assess the effect of voice search on their SEO efforts. Additionally, they may track modifications in search behavior and spot optimization chances using tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics.

  8. Q: What are some challenges associated with optimizing for voice search?

    A: The lack of visibility into the precise voice queries users are making, the necessity for more conversational content, and the difficulty in gauging the effect of voice search on SEO are some of the difficulties connected with optimizing for voice search. It’s also possible that different languages and cultures use voice search differently.

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